How To Avoid Pigeonholing The Environmental Manager?

Environmental management has evolved from a risk-driven to an opportunity-driven approach over the past 30 years. Companies now focus on proactive and innovative strategies driven by market competition and consumer demands. However, there is often a gap between communication and implementation of sustainability initiatives. Many companies symbolically adopt sustainability policies without integrating them into core business objectives and practices.

The research investigates the role the environmental manager plays to ensure a successful (or not) implementation of environmental performance within an organization.


According to our research findings, it is evident that by utilizing the influence of the environmental manager through various organizational and motivational approaches, it is possible to convert a detrimental cycle into a beneficial one. Moreover, human motivation can serve as a catalyst for promoting environmentally friendly transformations within corporations. To facilitate this process, we have introduced the SEA (Shaping Environmental Action) model, which comprises four fundamental pillars: information, motivation, organization, and strategy.



EA – Earth Action

Lausanne, Switzerland

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