Fact Check: “Plastic pollution is the issue, not plastics themselves”
The day after INC-5 closed with no Treaty signed a delegate from a petro-state stated: “If you address plastic pollution, there should be no problem with producing plastics, because the problem is the pollution, not the plastics themselves.” This statement seems intuitively true, plastic pollution is an issue, and plastics alone don’t cause problems – […]
Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and Shaping Action, Regional Results from Eastern and Southern Africa, the Mediterranean, and Southeast Asia
This Report showcases the use of the guidance presented in the UNEP/IUCN National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and Shaping Action.
National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting
The guidance offers a structured approach to identify plastic leakage hotspots, assess their impacts throughout the plastic value chain, and prioritize appropriate actions.
Plastic Leak Guidance
The Plastic Leak Guidance is the first science-based methodology to map, measure and forecast plastic leakage along the value chain.
Review of Plastic Footprint Methodologies
This report examines the available and developing techniques employed to measure the quantity, spread, characteristics, origins, routes, and destinations of plastic pollution at different levels.