Nouveaux défis en 2025 : Comment le règlement européen 2024 sur l’écoconception impacte les entreprises suisses

Avec l’entrée en vigueur du nouveau règlement européen sur l’écoconception (UE) 2024/1781, les entreprises suisses exportant vers l’Union européenne font face à des exigences renforcées en matière de durabilité. Ce règlement intègre plusieurs initiatives clés, comme la directive CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), la Taxonomie Verte de l’UE, et le Passeport Produit Numérique (Digital Product […]
How EU 2024 Ecodesign Regulation Impacts Swiss Businesses

As we usher in a new year, businesses across Switzerland are navigating a wave of regulatory changes driven by the European Union’s updated Ecodesign Regulation (EU) 2024/1781. This major evolution integrates several initiatives—such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), EU Taxonomy, and the Digital Product Passport (DPP)—while creating synergies with the Packaging and Packaging […]
WBCSD: SPHERE, The Packaging Sustainability Framework

The SPHERE framework aims to support decision-makers in breaking out of this tunnel vision to look at the environmental impacts of packaging from a holistic perspective.
Which Strategy For Using Medical and Community Masks? A prospective analysis of their environmental impact

This study provides an environmental assessment based on three indicators (GWP 100, UBP and plastic leakage) for different mask type and use strategies
Recommandations pour l’Ecoconception des Cabinets de Médecine de Famille

This article demonstrates that optimizing the structural and organizational aspects of primary care practices can significantly reduce their carbon footprint without requiring extensive changes in medical activities.
How To Avoid Pigeonholing The Environmental Manager?

The research investigates the role the environmental manager plays to ensure a successful (or not) implementation of ecodesign within an organisation.
Adopting a Life Cycle Perspective Through ISO14001: A game changer

This report is intended as a guidance document to enable the understanding of the full consequences of integrating life cycle thinking within ISO 14001 management systems and of how new opportunities arising from the integration may be seized.