Fixer des Objectifs SBTi dans le Secteur de l’Énergie : Défis et Opportunités

Les entreprises du secteur de l’énergie font face à des défis uniques pour atteindre les objectifs SBTi. Earth Action explore les contradictions entre cadres mondiaux et stratégies nationales et propose des solutions comme le budget carbone et la comptabilisation des émissions évitées.
Navigating SBTi targets in the Energy Sector

Energy companies face unique challenges in meeting SBTi targets. Earth Action explores the contradictions between global frameworks and national strategies and offers solutions like carbon budgeting and avoided emissions frameworks.
Finance, Nature and Food Systems: Consumers choosing sustainable food systems in Brazil

The goal of this study was to provide proven strategies to e-commerce providers on how to effectively support their customers in the transition towards healthier and more sustainable food.
Climate Change and Sustainability: Mediterranean Perspectives

This volume examines the challenges and interlinkages between climate change and sustainable development across the Mediterranean.
Is Europe Living Within the Limits of Our Planet?

What are the key principles for allocating Planetary Boundaries to countries and regions? How has the EU performed over time in relation to these principles?
National Environmental Limits and Footprints Based on The Planetary Boundaries Framework: the case of Switzerland

This research proposes an approach to allocate global planetary boundaries to a country and determine whether the country is operating within these limits in a sustainable manner.
Environmental limits and Swiss footprints based on Planetary Boundaries

The study presents calculated limits, footprints, and performance data for both Switzerland and the global context.