La qualité suisse tant vantée doit aussi être une qualité écologique. Reffnet
Julien Boucher directeur d’Earth Action partage ses réflexions sur la responsabilité environnementale des entreprises et leur engagement dans le recyclage.
Event Plastic Stewardship and Footprint Reporting – Innovation Workshop. The Ocean Race
This workshop brought together various specialists to discuss how to accurately measure plastic footprint.
Which Strategy for Using Medical and Community Masks?
A new revealed that surgical masks have a significantly lower carbon footprint. This research has been covered by various media.
Plastic Paints the Environnement
The new research provides the first estimate of the leakage of plastic paint into the environment. This discovery has garnered significant attention worldwide.
Breaking the Plastic Wave in the News
The report « Breaking the Plastic Wave, » which provides new insights into plastic pollution, has been disseminated through various media outlets.
Micro plastic fluxes and stocks in Lake Geneva in the News
The study raised awareness about plastic pollution in Switzerland, and its findings were utilized by the government and covered in the media.